Instrument Scientist

for the neutron resonant spin-echo spectrometer RESEDA

Short CV

 I conducted my Bachelor and Master studies at ETH Zurich, where I did my master thesis in the group of Prof. Bertram Batlogg on “Transport properties in SmFeAs(O,F)”. After a year as a research assistant at the laboratory of metal physics and technology at ETHZ, where I investigated the biocompatibility of bulk metallic glasses, I moved to Belgium and started my PhD on “Interface phenomena in magnetic nanostructures” at the KU Leuven. During my PhD I studied the vibrational and magnetic properties of nanostructures using X-ray and neutron scattering techniques at large scale facilities.
In 2018 I started my position as an instrument scientist at the Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz in Garching, Germany, where I am responsible for the Neutron Resonant Spin-Echo Spectrometer RESEDA. My research interests are superconductivity and magnetic phenomena as well as neutron instrumentation. My background in nanostructures drives me to push the capabilities of RESEDA beyond bulk samples and towards spectroscopy on the nanoscale.